It is a Latin american television series produced by
Moviecity Pack Original and
Fox International Channels, made entirely in Fox Telecolombia and is emitted in all Latin America.The serie is filmed entirely in Bogota, Colombia.
The direction is in charge of the Colombian
Felipe Martinez, and scripts of the Argentinians
Andres Gelós and
Martin Preusche. The series premiere was on November 12, 2009 by
Movie City channel and Thursday, April 22, 2010 by
This series is focused in the ilusion and the magic. The protagonist has magic powers that he does not understand and the only person who can help him to understand them is an alcoholic magician that is in the twilight of his career can clarify and help Luca what really surrounds him. Actually the serie is transmited by The Moviecity channel.
First Season
The story of Kdabra happens in The Majestic Hotel, in the thematic first hotel-casino dedicated
exclusively to the world of the magic. A world of chances and dazzles where awesome events that seems supernatural happen continously, until the tricks are revealed.
But all the explanations are over when Luca- a 17 years old teenager has escaped from a religous community-makes his apparition, perfoming tricks that apparantly that do not have any rational explanation.
René-a world famous magician, an artistic responsible of The Majestic Casino-is fascinated in Luca, giving him the opportunity to become in the next international superstar of the hotel. But what René does not know is that there is a mistery behind of Luca, in case of being reveled, could cause a revolution that could change the world.
what is the mistery? The answer is the key that drives this story, and brings to Kdabra a serie of characters
in the limit of the unimaginable like an astronaut that left his career after living a close encounter of the third kind in the moon, an expert on human clonaing-apparently-gets mad and now lives in a mental intitution,
and even a priest of 33 years old who seems like 100 years old.
While everybody finds an explanation of the freak which Luca represents, the guy left the communiy security to dedicade his live for René and The Majestic, a world with beautiful women,
unscrupulous fraudsters, and the most skillful players, who make Luca become in the most amazing magician we've ever seen in our world.
Second season
After know the horrible true that Luca is a clone, he decides frooze half whole city with a spectacular trick of magic and enjoys the chaos to ivestigate his origin. His own priority now is to know whose-or from where-comes the genes that caused his birth. But to get the answer, Luca must overcome a series of tests ever he never imagined: From doubt his love for Jazmin to question his friendship with René and the group of magicians who saved his life.
But the most hard challenge will be fight with his most dark side-that would be his worst enemy-when almost miracouslously Guido rejuvenates becoming a double of Luca, willing to ursurp all his powers and erase him from the face of the earth. On the other hand, the ex astronaut Trejo-who is ivestigating the origin of Luca-will reveal to the police Grimberg that he is not alone, because behind him there's a great secret scientific organization that thinks that the origin of Luca is extraterestrial..
While Luca of fighting against Guido for his life, La Orden is going to face Trejo and the scientific group in a chiling escalation of violence, obligating Luca to intervene in an action that could lead to a slaughter. Despite the high price that means, Luca will decide to face everybody and everything, as what is at stake is nothing other than the final answer about the genetic manipulatio-divine or extraterrestrial-that led to his life.
Third Season
Luca escapes from everybody and everything to avoid the APAKALYPES because he is a clone of Jesus Chirt. Whit his new friend Siena, Luca is hidding in a strange village named ''EL Silencio'' trying to live a simple mortal life. But a group of criminals devastates widly the population makimg Luca show himself.
What he doesn't know is that his promise of don't use his powers again to save the whole world will be broken when what Luca took care, his stonger and lovely link, would be close to break up.