sábado, 6 de agosto de 2011

the other characters of ``el chavo del ocho´´

Mr barriga: she has 40 years old who is in loved to a businesswoman that live in Spain (is mentioned in the episode ``Christmas ´´) who had only son named Ñoño, like him, has a weight problem and thick texture.

he is a businessmen that has a good economic situation. Sometimes, Mr. Barriga is patient and kind with Mr. Ramon, Jaimito and Mrs. Nieves when they don't pay the rent (once even invent a pretext to forgive the debt to Mr. Ramon), as with Chavo and the other children, who never hit, even though a Chavo always recieves the blow when it comes to the neighborhood (and, if anything is saved to the input, the output does notfail), puts other nicknames and insults.

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